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Busy Bees 2-3

- Language Development - sharing, body parts, animals,
environmental objects
- Listening Skills - caring for our friends, working as a community
- Reciting ABC's & ID alphabets (Lower Case)
- Beginning Trace - lines, circles, letters and coloring
Math & Problem Solving
- Simple Counting 1- 20
- Shapes with descriptions
- Number concepts 1-10
- Puzzles & critical thinking explorations
Personal Goals
- Taking Care of My Person
- How to Zip, Button & Cut
- Manners
- Caring for Others
- Safety
Monthly Theme & Projects
- Art, Science, Music, Sensory, Exploration,
- Transportation
- Countries & Community helpers
- Prayer
- The Lord's Alphabet (Sign Language)
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
Parent Interaction
- Weekly Homework - Tuesday & Thursday
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